
Railroad Safety

Our Ask:

  • Continue to fund safety-focused programs such as SLSI and Operation Lifesaver at a robust level.

ASLRRA supports the work of the Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI), which has been instrumental in improving safety culture at short line railroads nationwide. SLSI provides training, education, research and safety culture assessments.

Funded by a grant from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), SLSI’s Safety Culture Assessments have led to improvements in safety culture on short line railroads. Hundreds of short line railroads have taken advantage of an assessment, and the best practice recommendations provided.

SLSI’s Hazardous Materials Training programs, provided by a grant from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), are an additional offering for short line railroads.

ASLRRA member railroads also work with Operation Lifesaver (OLI), an entity that advances safety on the nation’s railroads, focusing vigorously on efforts to prevent collisions, injuries and fatalities on tracks and at highway-rail grade crossings.

Since 1972, OLI has focused on preventing collisions, injuries and fatalities on and around railroad tracks and highway-rail grade crossings, with the support of public education programs in states across the U.S. ASLRRA’s members provide staff hours to volunteer across the country to educate the public on rail safety. Many short line professionals likewise serve at the state levels of Operation Lifesaver, on boards and as trained presenters.

OLI received grant funding from the FRA, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and OLI’s private funder, the Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh.

Key Takeaway:

ASLRRA calls on Congress to fund these important industry safety efforts from the traditional sources, allowing CRISI and other USDOT grant programs to remain available for critical projects that will improve network fluidity, and advance rail safety and sustainability.