
Representing the Short Line Industry - Telling Our Story

Experts from ASLRRA’s staff represent the short line industry, and particularly our members, testifying before a variety of Congressional and Regulatory bodies.  We are engaged in topics such as rail technology trends, economic impact of rail, increases in truck size and weight, regulations and compliance issues, customer service, interchange challenges, safety and tax policies such as the short line tax credit. Below you will find recent written testimonies given by ASLRRA on behalf of our members.


ASLRRA Submits Comments in STB Proceeding in Support of Mendocino Railway

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 17, 2024 — ASLRRA provided comments in support of member Medocino Railway (MSY) in their proceeding before the Surface Transportation Board. ASLRRA opposes the application for adverse abandonment brought by the Great Redwood Trail Agency, stating that the Agency did not meet the burden of proof required. MRY has presented evidence and argument showing that the present and future public need for service on the Mendocino Line. Moreover, it has shown there is a reasonable expectation that will extend into the future. The evidence submitted by MRY also shows that shippers have committed to moving their freight from truck to rail. This is bolstered by the fact that MRY has obtained a RRIF grant to restore a section of the Mendocino Line, which when restored will permit the full restoration of freight and passenger service on the line.

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ASLRRA Submits Testimony in US House Hearing on CARB In-Use Locomotive Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 13, 2024 — Chuck Baker spoke at the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology’s Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight hearing, titled “ENVIRONMENTALISM OFF THE RAILS: HOW CARB WILL CRIPPLE THE NATIONAL RAIL NETWORK”. The hearing reviewed CARB’s in-use locomotive emissions regulation.  ASLRRA submitted written comments for the record noting the serious harm – including the shuttering of short line railroads  -  to railroads in California as a result of this rule, and ASLRRA’s position that this rule is pre-empted by Federal Law, and capricious and arbitrary, with grave consequences for the interconnected rail network, California businesses, and the public.

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ASLRRA Provides Response to USDOT's RFI on National Multimodal Freight Network

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 10, 2024 — ASLRRA submitted comments in response to a US DOT Request for Information on “Goals, Criteria, Thresholds, and Measurable Data Sources for Designating the National Multimodal Freight Network” (NMFN). The NMFN was created under the FAST Act and amended in the IIJA. There have been several efforts to create and update this designation framework, which is already a criterion within the INFRA grant program, and could potentially be integrated into statute or regulation governing other federal assistance programs. ASLRRA expressed concerns that the NMFN, particularly if designation thresholds are set based on national quantitative and objective metrics, as is required, could exclude many if not all short line operations from participation due to our typical inherently smaller scale. We proposed that DOT consider short line inclusion in the NMFN through various dimensions that capture the unique beneficial characteristics of short line services and the value provided by our operations, particularly to rural areas and small communities.

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ASLRRA and CSLRA Submit Comments in Response to CARB's Request for EPA Authorization of In-Use Locomotive Regulation

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 22, 2024 — ASLRRA and the California Short Line Railroad Association submitted comments in response to EPA’s notice in connection with California Air Resource Board (CARB)’s request for EPA authorization of CARB’s In-Use Locomotive Regulation pursuant to section 209 of the Clean Air Act (“CAA”). The associations state that CARB has not met the criteria under federal law to warrant the EPA authorization CARB seeks, as the rule is (1) arbitrary and capricious; (2) unnecessary to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions; or (3) inconsistent with CAA section 209. 12. Further, the rule is pre-empted by the ICC Termination Act as it directly targets locomotives, and it has the intent and effect of managing or governing rail transportation. Accordingly, CARB’s authorization request should be denied.

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ASLRRA and AAR Petition FRA for Extension of Implementation Date of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 15, 2024 — ASLRRA and AAR have asked the Federal Railroad Administration to provide an additional 12 months for Class I, Class II and Class III railroads to comply with the EEBA final rule in light of the manufacturing limitations of the known suppliers of EEBAs and the complications associated with implementation of the final rule due to the variety of devices that may be selected by interchanging railroads, the training on each required, and the time to develop and implement design standards.

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ASLRRA Petitions FRA for De Minimis Exception in Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus Standards

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 15, 2024 — ASLRRA has asked the Federal Railroad Administration to provide a de minimis exception to the Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus standards for Class II and III railroads. The current rulemaking applies to any railroad that operates a freight train that transports a PIH material, including a residue of such a PIH material. This does not account for unintended transport of a car by a railroad that does not typically transport such cars — an unplanned event. Due to the interconnected nature of the rail network, railroads are able to reroute traffic onto other lines or other railroads because of a natural disaster or unanticipated infrastructure repair, and such an occurrence should not result in a penalty for failing to comply with the EEBA final rule when they would not otherwise be required to do so. ASLRRA had requested that short lines be exempt from this rulemaking, but the FRA declined to carve out Class II and III railroads.

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ASLRRA Testifies on Transportation Grant Impact at House T & I Committee Meeting

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 7, 2024 — ASLRRA President Chuck Baker testified at the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing titled “Department of Transportation Discretionary Grants: Stakeholder Perspectives.” Baker offered insight into how federal grant programs are performing for short line railroads, and particularly noted the positive impact of the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) program on short lines and the communities they serve. Finally, Baker offered recommendations for ways to improve the grant process. As supplemental material, Baker presented support from shippers viewable here.

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ASLRRA Responds to U.S. Department of Energy's Request for Information on Net Zero Propulsion for Rail

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 12, 2024 — The ASLRRA provided responses to a November 2023 request for information from the U.S. Department of Energy, Progression to Net-Zero Emission Propulsion Technologies for The Rail Sector. ASLRRA outlined the current realities that small business freight railroads face, including limited capital, and the short to medium term limitations in commercial availability of locomotives using battery powered electric (BEL) and hydrogen fuel. The comments included the many ways that short lines are currently addressing environmental impact, and the outlining the challenges ahead for short lines in progressing to net-zero emission propulsion.

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