The money you save using ASLRRA's Member Discount Program providers could pay your annual dues and then some! Whether you operate five miles of track or fifty, you can save thousands of dollars a year on products and services you already use. From tie inspection services and personal protective equipment to drug and alcohol testing, background screening, and grant writing services, ASLRRA's discount program preferred providers have you covered.
At Loram, we serve the rail industry with collaborative, custom solutions to even the most demanding track maintenance challenges. We're harnessing cutting-edge ideas to find track flaws, pinpoint where ballast is needed and automate its delivery, streamline tie and aggregate delivery, and empower you to work more efficiently.
Since opening our doors, Würth has proudly helped thousands of companies protect their employees and work with optimum efficiency for maximum output. Our team of railroad specialists currently supports nearly 200 short line railroads and rail industry contractors who depend on us for quality safety and industrial products.
Wi-Tronix leads the industry in innovative rail technologies. Our comprehensive platform combines hardware, software, and cloud services for maximized fleet efficiency and reliability, including in areas of safety, emissions, compliance, and maintenance. Our powerful onboard platform grants unparalleled visibility into rail operations, enabling real time, data-driven decisions for peak performance. Our team is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring our solution continuously evolves with the advancing rail industry.
Aon is a global leader in Risk Capital and Human Capital, including innovative Talent, Retirement, and Health solutions. We exist to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. We provide our clients with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that help protect and grow their businesses.
The ASLRRA has tapped a number of experts to assist its member railroads in the submission of grant applications for programs currently available from the Department of Transportation (DOT) and other sources, including the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants (formerly “BUILD” and “TIGER” grants) and the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) grants. Preferred Providers commit to providing exceptional service to ASLRRA members at competitive pricing.
The following companies have been vetted by ASLRRA to ensure they meet stringent requirements to serve as Preferred Providers in the association’s Member Discount Program, and provide software products and services to short line and regional railroads. All partners are committed to providing exceptional service and offering reduced pricing to ASLRRA members.
ASLRRA has collaborated with insurance providers to form a Coalition Health Plan for ASLRRA members looking for a solution to reduce their medical premiums and simplify the healthcare experience for their employees.
Member Discount Program Preferred Providers are carefully selected from ASLRRA’s vetted supplier community. If your company is interested in becoming an exclusive ASLRRA Preferred Provider, please contact Sabrina Waiss at (202) 585-3434 or