Committee Meetings

Dates and times of all committee meetings will be announced soon.

Please note, at the discretion of the committee chair, portions of a meeting may be restricted to committee members only, and guests may be asked to leave. If you have questions about or are interested in joining a committee, please contact the committee chair or staff liaison listed below.

Engineering Committee

Tuesday, 12:40-2:50 p.m.

Open to all conference attendees.

Staff liaison: JR Gelnar, VP Safety & Compliance, ASLRRA

Environmental Committee

Tuesday, 12:40-2:50 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Committee Chair: Sean Strong, VP Environmental, Watco

General Counsel Committee

Tuesday, 12:40-2:50 p.m.

Open only to committee members — any ASLRRA member wishing to join the committee should contact Kathi Birch for assistance.

Human Resources Committee

Sunday, 1:00-2:50 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Staff liaison: Sabrina Waiss, SVP Education, ASLRRA

Insurance Committee

Sunday, 2:00-2:50 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Staff liaison: Mike Ogborn

Legislative Policy Committee

Sunday, 1:00-2:50 p.m.

Open only to committee members.

Staff liaison: Nicole Brewin, VP, Congressional Affairs, ASLRRA

Mechanical Committee

Monday, 12:45-2:45 p.m.

Open to all conference attendees.

Staff liaison: JR Gelnar, VP Safety & Compliance, ASLRRA

Safety & Training Committee

Sunday, 1:00-2:50 p.m.

Open to all conference attendees.

Staff liaison: JR Gelnar, VP Safety & Compliance, ASLRRA

Small Railroad Committee

Tuesday, 12:40-2:50 p.m.

Open to ASLRRA member small railroads who are not part of a holding company.

Staff liaison: Sabrina Waiss, SVP Education, ASLRRA

Supplier Committee

Monday, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Staff liaison: Kathy Keeney, SVP, Membership & Business Development

Committee chair: Erika Bruhnke, Chief Sales & Growth Officer, RailPros

Technology Committee

Monday, 12:45-2:45 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Staff liaison: Fred Oelsner, VP, Data, Technology and Security, ASLRRA

Young Professionals Committee

Sunday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Open to all ASLRRA members.

Committee chair: Chelsea Sweet, Outsourced Controller, Bowers CPAs & Advisors