
Veterans Engagement Award Criteria

ASLRRA’s Veterans Engagement Award honors industry employers who demonstrate positive policies toward U.S. veterans and who implement unique programs and practices to hire, recognize, support, and engage with veterans in the workplace and the broader community.

Who is Eligible?

All ASLRRA railroad and associate business members.

How do I Enter?

Nominations can be submitted via online form. The nomination period is closed for this year.

Nominations should detail the ways in which the organization engages with veterans in the workplace and community throughout the year; highlight company programs and activities that support and recognize veterans in the workplace and in the community; and outline efforts to target veterans in company hiring practices.

What Factors are Used to Evaluate the Entries?

When submitting nominations, organizations will be asked to address the following questions:

  1. How the organization has engaged with veterans and/or active-duty military members over the past year, including in hiring, promotions, company charitable campaigns, etc.?
  2. How does the organization support or recognize veterans and/or active-duty military members in the community?
  3. How has the organization targeted veterans in its hiring practices?

Organizations are also encouraged to provide as much detail as possible and include measurable outcomes, if available. Supporting materials such as photographs, video and press coverage are also highly encouraged.

When will the Award be Presented?

The winner will receive their award during ASLRRA's Annual Convention.